Last Updated on September 30, 2024
Mental Health UK describes burnout as a syndrome characterized by physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion due to being exposed to prolonged stress and pressure. It is important to note the difference between stress and burnout, as they tend to be used interchangeably. Although stress can have a detrimental impact on mental and physical health, it is usually short-term. Burnout, on the other hand, leads to feelings of detachment, demotivation, and a sense of hopelessness, making it difficult to function and believe in the possibility of change.
Moreover, work burnout then, as described by the Mayo Clinic, involves physical and emotional exhaustion related to work. It can also include the same feelings of emptiness, hopelessness, and powerlessness. In today’s time, with career demands and expectations increasing drastically, it is more crucial than ever to address and discuss how to prevent burnout.
In this article, we will cover burnout symptoms, investigate the causes of burnout, mention professions in which burnout is most common, as well as provide an overview of the detrimental effects of work burnout. We will also suggest techniques on how to overcome work burnout and how to prevent burnout.
Work Burnout Symptoms
Work burnout rarely appears unexpectedly but rather progresses gradually. Because of this, it is essential to spot potential burnout symptoms on time and prevent more drastic consequences. Since work burnout affects our mental and physical health, it is often possible to observe emotional, physical, and behavioral burnout symptoms.
Emotional Symptoms
Mental Health UK lists the following emotional symptoms of work burnout:
- Experiencing a sense of powerlessness, confinement, or hopelessness
- Self-esteem issues
- Feeling inadequate or unworthy
- Feelings of isolation or distance from other people
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Lack of motivation
- Pessimistic or critical outlook
- Lack of fulfillment or accomplishment
- Feelings of anxiety, fear, or unease
Physical Symptoms
Moreover, Verywell Mind includes the following physical burnout symptoms:
- Elevated blood pressure
- Digestive issues
- Weakened immune system
- Headaches
- Experiencing difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep
Behavioral Symptoms
Lastly, work burnout can also impact an individual’s behavior. Physical burnout symptoms can include:
- Increased irritability
- Withdrawing from social interactions
- Procrastination or avoiding responsibilities
- Decline in work performance
- Disengagement from activities the person once enjoyed
- Difficulty concentrating
- Increased reliance on harmful coping mechanisms like alcohol or overeating

Causes of Work Burnout
An article from 2010 identifies numerous causes of work burnout, including:
- Excessive workload
- Lack of control
- Insufficient rewards
- Poor workplace community
According to the article, a high workload, especially when combined with strict deadlines, can lead to emotional and physical exhaustion. Limited control over one’s tasks or unclear job roles also contributes to burnout. Additionally, lack of recognition or rewards diminishes employees’ sense of accomplishment, while poor social support from colleagues and managers increases feelings of isolation. However, the article also stresses that unjust work practices such as favoritism can further contribute to work burnout.
Furthermore, a 2021 article examines the biological causes of burnout. The article explains that burnout is caused by long-term stress, which affects the body’s systems that deal with stress, like the nervous system and hormones. This constant stress throws off the balance of important stress hormones like cortisol, weakens the immune system, and causes inflammation in the body. It also leads to changes in the brain, affecting memory, focus, and decision-making.
Because of this, it is necessary to consider various factors contributing to the development of burnout since understanding them is vital for deciding the right approach how to overcome work burnout.
Professions at the Greatest Risk from Burnout
Some of the professions at the greatest risk of work burnout are:
- Healthcare (doctors, nurses, etc.)
- Social workers
- Teaching
- Law enforcement
- Legal services
- Customer service
- Tech Industry
- Construction
These professions often demand high emotional, physical, or mental contributions, leading to chronic stress. Additionally, long hours, lack of resources, and limited recovery time contribute to feelings of exhaustion, detachment, and decreased job satisfaction, increasing burnout risk.
However, it is important to note that the causes of work burnout mentioned in the previous section, such as excessive workload, lack of control, insufficient rewards, or poor workplace community, can be encountered in any industry. Because of this, work burnout is not restricted to specific industries but affects professionals in diverse fields.

The Impact of Work Burnout
An interesting study published in 2015 researched the impact of work burnout among plastic surgeons. The study found that burnout significantly impacts not only personal but also professional well-being. According to the study, burnout was linked to lower career satisfaction, poorer quality of life, and a higher likelihood of medical errors and work-related impairments. Even more worryingly, surgeons who experienced burnout were more likely to report conflicts between work and home life and were at a greater risk for depression and alcohol abuse.
Similarly, another 2016 study investigated the impact of work burnout on the US physician workforce. As with the previous study, this study also reveals that burnout, particularly emotional exhaustion, is strongly linked to physicians reducing their professional work effort. The study also states that the prevalence of burnout increased among U.S. physicians between 2011 and 2014.
Both of these and similar studies thus reveal the potential detrimental impact of work burnout not only on one’s mental and physical well-being but also on professional efficacy. This is especially worrying in medical and similar fields since these professionals are responsible for the well-being of their community. To address this concern, it’s crucial to understand how to prevent burnout and stress the importance of a healthy work-life balance.
How to Overcome Work Burnout
Recognizing the Problem
The first step of recovery from work burnout involves recognizing the problem. Acknowledging the symptoms of work burnout enables early recognition and faster recovery. However, it is not always easy to recognize this since work can be an important part of one’s life. Nevertheless, recognizing the seriousness of this issue is essential for the prevention of further negative physical and mental health consequences.
A Supportive Environment
A study published in Medical Education researched key factors of overcoming burnout among medical students. According to the study, recovery is associated with less stress and fatigue, greater social support, and a positive learning environment. Medical students who perceive their education as a priority for faculty members, feel supported by peers and faculty, and experience less fatigue and stress are more likely to recover from burnout.
However, it is not just support from peers, colleagues, and mentors that is essential in overcoming work burnout but empathy and understanding from close family members and friends as well. A strong personal support network can provide emotional comfort, a sense of belonging, and a safe space to share struggles.
Taking Time Off Work
Although it is not always easy to take time off work, it is an essential and effective way of overcoming work burnout since it puts distance between your professional and personal life, allowing you to recharge mentally, physically, and emotionally.

How to Prevent Burnout
An article published in 2015 highlights several key strategies for preventing burnout. Some of the key strategies included managing work-life balance, coping strategies, and job crafting.
Job Crafting
Job crafting is a strategy that involves employees reshaping their roles to better align with their strengths, interests, and values. Although mundane tasks can’t be completely avoided, job crafting allows employees to take on a more active role and modify aspects of their work, such as reducing emotionally taxing tasks or seeking more rewarding or challenging tasks.
In this way, the emotional demands of the job are reduced, and the employee’s motivation is increased, leading to an overall improvement in job satisfaction and a decrease in the likelihood of work burnout.
Coping Strategies
The 2015 article emphasizes that problem-focused coping strategies, like planning and seeking support, are linked to lower levels of burnout.
Planning involves organizing tasks and setting realistic goals to help manage workload effectively, preventing the development of burnout. Moreover, breaking tasks into smaller steps enables you to view them as a structured process rather than one big obstacle.
Seeking support, on the other hand, as mentioned previously, implies connecting not only with colleagues and mentors but also opening up to friends and family. This helps tackle feelings of isolation and provides emotional support.
Managing Work-Life Balance
A crucial aspect of how to prevent burnout is work-life balance. This involves setting clear boundaries between the personal and professional spheres of life, ensuring that one does not spill into the other.
This can be done by dedicating time for rest, hobbies, and social connections. In this way, you allow yourself to not only maintain a healthy emotional state but also have plans and goals outside of your professional life. Here, self-care, be it exercising, meditating, or spending time with loved ones, is crucial as well, assisting your emotional and mental well-being.
However, it is also important to learn to say no to additional workload or excessive work commitments. Although it is not always easy to reject a request from your supervisor, your mental and physical health should come first.
Work burnout is a growing concern that may affect anyone, regardless of industry or profession. Recognizing the symptoms and understanding the causes is essential for learning how to overcome work burnout and how to prevent burnout.
However, addressing burnout early is the most important aspect of preventing further harmful implications. This approach can ensure a sustainable and fulfilling long-term career path.