Last Updated on December 20, 2023
There are times when rejection can shake you up to your very core to the point that it makes you doubt yourself and your abilities. There are also instances when you end up believing those negative thoughts that came from the words of other people – about your limits and yourself as a whole. Unfortunately, many people tend to forget one important thing when it comes to rejection – rejection means that you at least tried.
Simply because you weren’t able to get what you wanted doesn’t necessarily mean you should quit and give up right there and then. Instead, you need to take the rejection as a lesson and continue to move on because life doesn’t stop there, whether you like it or not.
You are the one who decides how to continue moving through your life after rejection. The truth is that rejection in itself is powerful when it comes to keeping you motivated and pushing you to continue whatever it is you are aiming for.
The most crucial aspect of being rejected is to ensure that you don’t lose your momentum. Whatever the situation might be, whether you want to start a business or look for a job, you have to make sure that you continue to push and plow even harder.
If all the people who were rejected threw their hands in the air and ditched their ambitions and dreams – where would the society be today? Many of today’s shakers and movers had very menial jobs before they became successful.
Try to remember a time when you were rejected. If you try to look more closely and carefully at the situation you will realize that there are many lessons you can learn. Maybe you should try to do more research before going to a job interview. Maybe you should spruce up your presentation skills and communication so that your small business loan gets approved the next time you stand in front of a banker.
Whatever it is, rejection is often if not usually the best opportunity for growth. Rejections let you examine and assess the things that you might have done wrong and think of a way to resolve the issue to make sure you do better the next time an opportunity comes along. No matter what, there will always be a next time if you don’t give up and remain steadfast with your goals.
About 90% of first time business owners failed in just one year after launching their first venture. However, 80% of these people succeeded when they gave it another try.
At the end of the day, the important thing about rejection is to learn from your mistakes and rise up better than ever before. Take rejections positively and sooner or later, you will be getting more yeses than nos.